Join the Independent Pharmacies of Maryland and help put a stop to the unethical business practices of Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs)
In 2018 a small group of Maryland pharmacy owners realized that small business community pharmacies no longer had an official voice to be heard in the state legislature. As a response to that need, IPMD was formed.
Independent Pharmacies of Maryland was created for the purpose of strengthening the state's independent community pharmacies and giving them a platform to be recognized in Maryland's legislative negotiations.
The monopolistic and unfair trade practices of Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) are causing many of Maryland's independent community pharmacies to close their doors, which denies patients across our state access to affordable medications and healthcare.
Join or donate to IPMD and help ensure that local small business pharmacies have a voice in Maryland!
Maryland Legislature
State Healthcare Legislation
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Together we will shape the future of independent pharmacy in Maryland.
National Polling On PBM and Drug Cost Issues
The National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) conducted a public poll of 1,000 Americans
highlighting significant public concern regarding prescription drug costs and the role of Pharmacy Benefit
Managers (PBMs) in drug pricing...

PBMs <3 Counterfeit Drugs
PBMs pay pharmacies a reimbursement ceiling that is below the wholesale cost of goods floor for the retail class of trade to independent pharmacies. Counterfeiting ensues. TAP deserves a medal.

The Red Wedding for Rural Pharmacies
Biden just tried to regulate CVS, United Health, and Cigna. Cigna struck back, and is now trying to wipe out independent pharmacies and harm patients. Plus, antitrust enforcers are getting real.

Mapping the Vertical Integration of Insurers, PBMs, Specialty Pharmacies, and Providers: A May 2024 Update
It's time for Drug Channels’ annual update of vertical integration among insurers, PBMs, specialty pharmacies, and providers within U.S. drug channels.

Must-read for US employers and lawmakers: 43% of working adults are functionally uninsured
The Commonwealth Fund has published a report that is a must-read for employers and lawmakers. If they read nothing else this year, this should be it.
The report is based on a recent survey of American adults to determine how many of us are adequately insured. You can read the full report here, but below are the highlights:
43% of working adults in this country were inadequately insured this year. They are, in essence, functionally uninsured...

The Fleecing of Maryland Medicaid and Your Tax Dollars
Spread Pricing is Stealing $70 Million* of our Tax Dollars from Maryland Medicaid Annually